Tuesday, July 27, 2010

LED Faucet Adapters That Don't Require Batteries!

Recently at TheKitchenFaucet.com, we have added new categories to our inventory.  We now have a variety of Waterfall Faucets and LED Faucets available for purchase.  We have also added faucet accessories to our inventory.  These include all kinds of faucet add ons such as touch less faucet adapters and led faucet adapters.

There is a new type of faucet adapter out recently which we will hopefully be able to offer people soon.  An LED faucet adapter to easily attach to your faucet head.  The cool thing about this product is that unlike most led faucets, this one requires no batteries to operate.

This one has a mini generator which runs every time the water is flowing and this constantly charges the little battery so you never have to worry about replacing it.  The light comes on when the water is turned on.  It also changes color depending on the temperature of the water.  When the water is very cold it will display a green light.  Medium tempered water displays blue and hot water display's red.

This little adapter can also be used to protect against burning yourself.  If the water is above 46 C or 115 F, it will flash red light warning you that the water is very hot.  This is a great faucet safeguard. We really like this product and hope to be selling it in the very near future.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

EPA's We're For Water Campaign

Has the EPA started a reality TV show for saving water?  Well almost.  On July 14th, the Environmental Protection Agency started a water education campaign to aid in the water conservation efforts. Grabbing the publics interest, by putting four families against each other in a game to see who can save the most water.

The "We're for Water Campaign"  started in Los Angeles with two families that will travel across the country to New York where two different families will make the same week long trip across the country back to Los Angeles.  The families will stop in various cities across the country showing the public water saving techniques like fixing a leaking toilet and how to save the most water while shaving in the sink.

Being summertime, the Environmental Protection Agency thought it was a good time to show people how to save water.  Saving water is no laughing matter. The EPA has stated that between 1950 and 2000, the U.S. population has almost doubled, but that water use has more than tripled.  Peter Silva, assistant administrator at the EPA's Office of Water says "Whether by replacing an old, inefficient plumbing fixture with a WaterSense labeled product or adopting more water efficient behaviors, together we can help save water for future generations."

Visit our website for great deals on water efficient kitchen faucets

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Let's Tighten Up That Kitchen Faucet

Of all the faucets in your home, I'm willing to bet that your kitchen faucet gets used the most.  Moving the head of the faucet from side to side all the time can loosen up the fasteners.  For the most part tightening up the kitchen faucet is going to take two people, simply because your not going to be able to hold on to the bottom part of the faucet under the sink while tightening as well.  To keep the kitchen faucet tight.... this time anyway, you may want to add a locking washer and maybe some adhesive around the treading to keep that faucet on there good.

Things you will need:

Optional Items:

  1. Get everything out of the sink first.  You want to have a clean area to work with so go ahead and do those dishes.
  2. Put a pillow down on the bottom part of the cabinet door under the sink, and position yourself with most of your upper body under the cabinet so you can see the faucet behind the sink.  Most times you really have to get up under there because the sink will be blocking your view of the connections.
  3. With the flash light, see how the faucet is connected to the sink.  There will be either one, two, or three bolts holding the faucet to the sink.  These will most likely be separate from the hose connections, but could be surrounding the house connections as well.  You will just have to use your best judgement. 
  4. Get some help real quick from the lazy person sitting in the den watching TV to hold the faucet from the top while you tighten it from underneath.
  5. If you want to use the adhesive on the threads now is the time.  Loosen up the nuts under the sink and apply a thin layer of adhesive around the threads.
  6. If your faucet is older(before 2000), you will probably need that crescent wrench right about now to tighten the nuts under the sink.  If you have a new kitchen faucet, the nuts will most likely be plastic and you can just use your hands to tighten the bolts.  Ask your lazy helper person to try and wiggle the faucet.  This will loosen up any possibility of it being seated incorrectly.  
  7. Repeat step six until that thing is on there nice and good.
  8. Join lazy person in the living room and feel good that you accomplished more than them today.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Water Pik Gets Approved for the WaterSense Label

Water Pik, Inc, a leading developer and manufacturer of many leading healthcare products when it comes to technological advances, became certified to bear the Environmental Protection Agencies(EPA) WaterSense Label on July 1st.  Seven of their line of advanced shower heads including the EcoFlow 5, 6, and the Watersaver passed the test.  Richard Bission, president and CEO of Water Pik said "We're thrilled the EPA has recognized seven of our shower heads with the WaterSense label so far and we're committed to working with the EPA to encourage consumers to make water efficient choices in the bathroom."

In order to be awarded the WaterSense label, a shower head must have a gallon per minute flow rate of 2.0 or less at a flowing pressure  of 80 pounds per square inch(psi).  It must also be able to hold this consistant flow rate across a wide range of pressures and also must have a consistant force and coverage while adhering to the first two priorities.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Waterfall Faucets | New Styles

A new style of lavatory faucet has come into play here in recent months, the cool looking faucets that have the appearance of a running waterfall.  Faucets are not just water running pipes anymore.  There are many extravagant styles and neat looking designs, and the flow of the water over the saucer looking plate makes for a beautiful sparkling run off into the sink.

From the look at most bases of waterfall faucets, they look like a pretty intimidating installation procedure, but in fact they are actually very easy to install.  The installation is that of any regular faucet, while the chromed out shiny square base is mainly just for show.

Waterfall faucets come in many varieties, but the glass tray faucet with a chrome base is by far the most popular these days.  There are also many different glass variations including blue, green, pink, lilac, and even a clear glass tray for a contemporary look.